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Brown Bag Movie: Picture of Dorian Gray

Brown Bag Movie: Picture of Dorian Gray

From 10/25/18 12:00 pm until 10/25/18 2:00 pm

At Warrenville Public Library

Categories: Arts

Warrenville's own Ivan Albright was commissioned to make the "Picture of Dorian Gray" (at the Art Institute) for this movie 

The Picture of Dorian Gray is a 1945 American horror-drama film based on Oscar Wilde's 1890 novel of the same name. Released in March 1945 by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, the film is directed by Albert Lewin and stars George Sanders as Lord Henry Wotton and Hurd Hatfield as Dorian Gray. Shot primarily in black-and-white, the film features four colour inserts in 3-strip Technicolor of Dorian's portrait; these are a special effect, the first two inserts are the original portrait and the second two after a major period of degeneration then recovery.

Free admission. Bring your own brown bag lunch - if you can't make the showing, you can check the movie out from the library.