Farmhouse Tours: Keeping your Family Healthy in Winter

From 01/21/23 10:00 am until 01/21/23 4:00 pm

At Kline Creek Farm

Categories: Outdoors

On these special guided tours, hear about a common winter experience: taking care of a sick family member. Learn about “sick foods” in the 1890s, how candy was used as medicine, and how the first-floor bedroom acted as the sick room. All ages. Suggested admission donation of $5 per person ages 3 and up to enter the farm. No registration. Questions? Call 630-876-5900.

While you are there, participate in Farm Life in Winter (1:30 - 3:30)

Help prune the orchard or stack wood for fuel, or see how blacksmithing skills helped farmers. Join us for the ice harvest if the lake freezes, or watch as we shear the ewes in preparation for lambing in March. There’s a new lineup every day, so follow us at for activity updates. Suggested admission donation of $5 per person ages 3 and up to enter the farm. No registration. Questions? Call 630-876-5900.

Repeats frequently in January (Thur, Fri, SaT, Sun. -- See Forest Preserve Website to check other days