The mission of Healthy Warrenville is help residents increase physical activity, improve healthy eating, and develop healthy habits to make our city one of the healthiest communities in the region.
State of America’s Health
One in two Americans now has a chronic disease, and one in four has multiple chronic diseases. These are responsible for 7 of10 deaths in the United State, and 86 percent of our nation’s healthcare expenditures. Annually, 3.2 trillion dollars are currently spent on healthcare in the U.S., which is 18 percent of our gross domestic product. This comes to approximately $10,000 for each person in our country. Unfortunately, with the rate of chronic disease rising, this is expected to get much worse before it gets better. (1)
Many of these chronic diseases can be greatly improved, or even cured, by lifestyle changes, such as nutritional changes, physical activity, sleep improvement, and stress reduction.
While we don’t yet have statistics on the state of Warrenville specifically, we can only assume that the numbers for obesity and chronic disease are headed in the same direction as the rest of the country.
Goal to Improve Warrenville Health
The goal of our Healthy Warrenville Action Group is to educate those in the community on how to become healthier through good dietary choices, physical activity, and stress management. We would like to create an environment in which this is the norm rather than the exception.
This will be done mainly through talking to kids in schools, to local businesses, and to community groups. We will create a momentum in which people will come together to learn to make healthier choices. We are creating opportunities for people to be physically active together (walking groups, cycling groups, etc.). By educating local restaurants and grocery stores, as well as school food vendors, we will make more nutrient dense food choices accessible. We will make cooking classes or demonstrations available either in person or online so families can learn to prepare their own healthy meals at home.
By starting a grassroots effort to implement these changes, we will prevent and even reverse chronic disease instead of just managing it. This will also reduce the cost of healthcare for governments, organizations, and individuals while improving the lives of those living in our community.
Healthy eating: Food rich in nutrients which is minimally processed.
For most of our evolutionary history, humans mostly ate meat, fish, wild fruit and vegetables, nuts, seeds, and some starchy plants and tubers. There was no processed food. Nothing had refined sugar, refined flour, and industrial seed oils added to it. Now the top six foods in America are grain-based desserts, sugar-sweetened beverages, pizza, alcohol, and chicken (normally fried).
Rule of thumb: If it grew in the ground or was once alive, eat it. If it was made in a factory, avoid it.
Physical activity: Engaging in activity appropriate for the individual that will not lead to injury. This does not have to be exercise activity, but does involve minimalizing sedentarism as much as possible within the physical tolerance of the individual.
[1]Kresser, C. (2017) Unconventional Medicine, Lioncrest Publishing